Mar 14, 2024 2:00pm

Protecting Youth from Flavored Nicotine

Hello! My name is Diego Romero and I am a senior at Arrowhead Park Early College High school. I have been in Evolvement for 3 years and on the leadership team for 2 of those years. I think that flavored nicotine products are very attractive and toxic for kids. Someone who has never used these products may be more inclined to since they come in fun flavors. Personally, I don’t see very many people using them at my school, but I do see them being used around my community.

I have done a couple things for No Minor Sale including a partner presentation where I spoke with a local organization in my community about what No Minor Sale is, what we advocate for, and what we are working on. Throughout my time working on the campaign, I’ve spoken with many different health organizations around New Mexico. I have also talked to the Las Cruces City Council about tobacco preemption repeal which would allow local governments to pass laws more easily. They know their community more personally so they can pass policies, like flavor restriction, to protect their community members. I even got the opportunity to speak to state legislators during Day at the Capital and many of them were very supportive of No Minor Sale and impressed with our work. All these different events and opportunities help policies pass, which is why this work is so important.

Protecting our youth is very important to me since a lot of youth don’t know the harmful effects of nicotine products and they are the future of our world. By restricting flavors in nicotine products we are curving the amount of youth who may start using these products in the first place. By advocating for those who may not be able to advocate for themselves we are shaping our world to be a better place.

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