No Minor Sale is an educational campaign working to reduce illegal tobacco sales to minors. This initiative is implemented by concerned citizens and parents across New Mexico and by Evolvement, New Mexico’s largest statewide youth-led movement. No Minor Sale is supported by the New Mexico Department of Health’s Nicotine Use Prevention and Control (NUPAC) program with Tobacco Master Settlement Agreement Funds.
Although youth are prohibited by law from buying tobacco, roughly 15% of tobacco retail stores illegally sold tobacco to minors from 2017–2018. If youth perceive that it is easy to access tobacco, they are more likely to use it.
Research overwhelmingly shows that restricting youth access to tobacco decreases use and reduces their likelihood of becoming established tobacco users. Nearly 9 in 10 tobacco users start before age 18, making youth tobacco prevention one of the single most powerful strategies we have to reduce tobacco use and improve health in New Mexico.
