Mar 15, 2024 2:00pm

Advocacy Work to Help Protect My Community

My name is Maxamillion Marmon and I am a Grants High School senior. This is my second year on the Evolvement leadership team, but my third year in Evolvement overall. Nicotine products are incredibly harmful, especially for youth because of the various health risks that show up later in life.

Through No Minor Sale, I have done various events and presentations to educate my community about the dangers of these products. Events are one of the best ways to accomplish this and collect surveys so we can see if New Mexicans are concerned about youth nicotine use. I have also given presentations for No Minor Sale for my district representatives in Santa Fe. I did this because it lets legislators know that New Mexicans are concerned about nicotine related issues and to educate them about what policies are available to help address those concerns. I have also spoken at my local city council meeting to present on why our city should remove tobacco preemption. The removal of tobacco preemption would mean that my local government - including local governments across the state - would have more power to pass policies regarding nicotine products - such as nicotine flavor restriction. 

The reason I attend all these opportunities to inform people about these issues is because I want to see change in my city and in my school. The more support that we gain, the higher chance we have to see policies get passed that protect youth.

Protecting youth from flavored nicotine products is important to me because many of my friends and peers are using these products daily. I don't want anyone else to go down the path of addiction to nicotine or fall victim to the millions that have died from nicotine product use. My advocacy for No Minor Sale is the best thing I can do to protect my friends, family, peers, and community.

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